
Friday, July 6, 2012

Upcoming Projects - Biscuit Quilt & Cheese

I've got loads of time and a creative brain - scary mixture.  Luckily (?) not much stamina due to my neck pain, otherwise, lookout!

Here's what's coming up:

Biscuit Quilt

I'm currently working on a puff or "biscuit" quilt.  I prefer biscuit, because I'm making a Jack Russell Terrier (JRT) biscuit quilt.  That just sounds more appropriate.  It's like fabric wontons or raviolis sewn together.

JRT biscuit/puff quilt

Homemade Cheese!

Yesterday I was looking for a "foolproof" pie crust recipe, and I found one!  

Serendipitously I found the blog written by the author of the pie crust recipe.  It's a fabulous site with a whole section on making your own cheese.  She has a farm with cows for the milk, but you can use store bought or even buy from a farmer's market.  
cheese wheel

I'm so excited!  This will be a whole new realm for me to explore!  Some are easy with few new ingredients, others can take a year to make.  I think I will get the starter cheese kit, and possibly a cheese press.  I will, of course, first attempt to make my own.  I will keep you (my 2 readers) updated.

Who knows what I'll think of tomorrow!

Cheesemaking blog 5 buttons up
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The pie was the best pecan pie I've ever made, and my pecan pie kicks @ss.
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