
Monday, September 24, 2012

Cheesemaking update

It seems like all those cheeses I made a while back are coming of age all at the same time.  We've been fortunate to be able to eat homemade cheese for a while now.  I need to start making more, though.  Here's the status so far:



1st Cottage Cheese Soft, good creamy flavor 
2nd Cottage Cheese Firmer, flavor not as cheesy - preferred first recipe
Fabulous, need to make more
1st hard cheese I made, turned out very dry
Stirred Curd Cheddar Sharp cheddar flavor
Farmhouse Cheddar Much more like what I think Cheddar should taste like
Edam Boule Sharp like a Cheddar, melted wonderfully

Top got a little moldy because of the crevices, but I just cut that off.
Haloumi One of my favorites so far
Fresh Mozzarella Tried lipase powder - gross
Without, wonderful, but doesn't melt like store bought since it's fresh.
Have to eat it right away for best flavor.
Parmesan I didn't oil it early enough, and it dried out.
Manchego Also a little too dry and tough.  I think I need to increase amount to age properly
Gouda Pretty good.  Kind of tasted like a cheddar.  Still a little to wet inside though.
Yogurt Super easy, and self-sustaining, just use leftover yogurt to make next batch.
MUCH better than store bought
Another of my favorites.  Like a Mexican mozzarella, it pairs nicely with cumin dishes
Still to come

Made a big wheel.  It is f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s!  5 days to age for more even flavor, or eat immediately. 
Brick cheese used a too big mold, but still might be ok
Montasio Looking good
Gruyere Hopefully not too dried out

Wow, I've been busy!

Neck Update

I think I have altered my lifestyle, and the meds are helping so that I am mostly not in pain when I stay in the right positions.  I am able to sit in a particular chair now, but mostly I still stand up.  I also got 3 MRIs the other day and will find out the results next week.

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